Friday, March 26, 2010

Mileage Rate Google Gadget

I added my first gadget to Google Gadgets today.  It's a travel mileage rate calculater!  You can find it here:

Please remember to change the settings of the application to your settings.  This can be done with the drop down arrow on the top right corner of the gadget.

Enjoy, and let me know if I should change something with it!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Yii Olde PHP IIS Difficult for Web Services sometimes

I have been trying to set up the Yii framework on my laptop for work on IIS 5.1 so that it will hit a web service (yes, it is work related!). I got to this point after I compared Zend, CakePHP, Seagull, Symfony, and Yii. Obviously, I'm not going to put up the comparison here - for all intents and purposes, I chose Yii. I'm not saying if it's a good choice or a bad choice in here either. This post is about my experiences with it for the past couple of days. It's a nice breather from my normal comics (which I will resume (I even got some cool software for it!)

This does not mean that I won't be doing more comics, but I'm going to start varying my blog content a bit.

A little about me - I do mostly .NET and Java work, and haven't done PHP in years. If it seems I'm bumbling around here, that's because I am.  This is more to document the issues that I found - hopefully, it'll help someone else that stumbles across this article.  If you want to leave a helpful comment, please do!

I'm using PHP 5.3.1 VC9X86 Thread safe found here.
I'm using the Yii framework 1.1.0 found here.
I'm following Larry Ullman's Blog - it has been really helpful as an article to just get started.

1. Install PHP 5.3.1 (yay!  no problems here!)
2. Create a virtual directory in IIS...
Of course, since I just installed PHP, I need to let IIS know that it exists, so I made the following changes as well (Yes, I did try opening up a PHP page without them.  It didn't work so well...):
 3. Download and install Yii!  Since it's just a Zip file, I just grabbed everything and dumped it into the directory my virtual directory was pointed at.
Don't mind the "test" folder under PHP - I created that and I will get to it in a moment.  As you can see, theres demos, framework, and requirements, and 4 other files.

4. Check to see if it worked.  The requirements folder, as I understand, is for just that.  I went to the requirements folder in my localhost: http://localhost/phptest/requirements/: HUZZAH - good enough.
Sweet!  It looks good!
5. I open up my command prompt and navigate to C:\Projects\PHP\framework (the Yii framework) and located yiic.bat.  This bat file creates the basic structure of your website.
Syntax: yiic webapp path/to/directory.
I ran: yiic test C:\Projects\PHP\test

As advertised, it did an awesome job of creating my whole directory!  In fact, if I navigate to http://localhost/phptest/test/, it should open up a working (skeleton) site for me:
Aw, crap.  A Google search gets me this:
Apparently, the Assets and Runtime folders that are generated are needed by Yii to cache and persist.  I normally see the permissions on the properties tab of the folder.  However, as my laptop does not have any of that set up, I had to do the following:
Network sharing has to be on for both the assets and the runtime folder.  I opted to bypass the wizard and just do it myself.  This step may be different for you depending on how your environment is set up.

On a refresh of the page, I saw the following error (yeah, another one...  I know, it's actually a warning...)

The culprit is in my php.ini file, where I installed PHP (C:\Program Files\PHP).  Look for the following line:
;date.timezone =

This tells PHP what timezone to use (you can Google it to learn more).  I'm opting to change this line because, apparently, I love running into warnings that are showstoppers...  An alternate would be to change the ini file to not break on mere warnings.  I changed the line to this:

date.timezone = America/Los_Angeles

Note the removal of the semicolon (first character in the line).  Otherwise, this line won't be called.
6. Setting up the web service - I created my own web service to work with as I needed it for a demo and may not be able to connect to the internet.  You folks at home can use the sample one provided by the good folks at w3schools -  The wsdl can be found here:

So, how do I consume a web service?  According to the help docs Yii provides -, it looks like this:

$client=new SoapClient('http://hostname/path/to/index.php?r=stock/quote');
echo $client->getPrice('GOOGLE');
This would mean that in order to use the w3schools example, our code would look like this:
$client=new SoapClient('');
echo $client->CelsiusToFahrenheit('27');
The verdict? Not so much.
This isn't Yii's fault.  For my research on the internet and lots of trial and error (this example seems to be everywhere), I found the answer.  I don't even remember what website I found it on now.  Apparently, in order to consume a webservice (at least for windows servers), there's more code needed.  The above syntax creates the SOAP request incorrectly, and the service gets nothing instead of '27'.  Not only that, the call returns a stdClass object, causing an error when echo tries to display it.  The error is Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string, in case you're wondering.
Let's tackle the calling of the web service first.  What's happening is that, when the SOAP request is being generated, PHP doesn't know where to put the 27.  The CelsiusToFahrenheit call should look like this instead:
The array contains all parameters to be passed in.  'Celsius' tells PHP what the tag to hold 27 is.  I got the tag name from the WSDL description.

This doesn't change the fact that the object returned is an stdClass type.  In order to read the object from it, the code should look like this:
$client=new SoapClient('');
echo $client->CelsiusToFahrenheit(array('Celsius'=>'27'))->{'CelsiusToFahrenheitResult'};
The name 'CelsiusToFahrenheitResult' is also found in the WSDL, within the response section.

And that's it (so far)!  I'm not going to put any actual source code here for now.  I may if people are still having problems with this.  So, that's it for now on Web Services using Yii, PHP, and IIS 5.1.  Feel free to use the comments section to ask away.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taking a break

Hi all,
Thanks for reading Spam of Dom!

I'm going to take a break from doing comics for a little bit. The whole process of drawing/inking/scanning/coloring/writing/posting is taking far longer than I really want to spend each day doing, so I'm going to do a little discovery effort to streamline my production.

It should improve my quality as well. I'll post what I've decided to go with along with my next comic.

Anyone know of or have any guest comics handy?


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dangers of Facebook 6

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Here's a six panel for today!

I played Bangkok on Mafia Wars.  It's good - a logical next step for the game with the introduction of Factions.  The ability to send envelops of Baht (money) is great too, especially as the jobs themselves don't give you enough money to even buy equipment, much less property.  I don't have enough friends that send me money though, so I'm forced to do mastered jobs until I get enough.

I was able to complete my money laundering collection though!  The reward seems pretty...  an increase in property take would have been better.

Annoyances: the "Get Help" link exists after you have requested help.  It should disappear - it works in all the other cities, why not here?  It's called reuse of code Zynga!

I would really like to see the following features added - a way to change currency from one city to another, even if it is in an incredible ratio ($1000 - 1Baht), and a way to change my politico corruptos into cell phones and the such.  Please, Zynga?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prison Shower Scene

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Thanks Mandy for the guest comics!

Now, back to Dom, who's stuck in his jail themed comics still.  Don't worry, it's coming to a close soon.

My original idea was to have the other prisoners be confused to what exactly the anatomy of a giant pencil monster was like and not know where to place... it.  But I thought I'd bring the old lady's arm back into existance!

On a unrelated note, I had a great weekend =)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

hope is illegal in big corporations

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Friday, January 22, 2010


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First guest comic! Yay me!