Friday, March 26, 2010

Mileage Rate Google Gadget

I added my first gadget to Google Gadgets today.  It's a travel mileage rate calculater!  You can find it here:

Please remember to change the settings of the application to your settings.  This can be done with the drop down arrow on the top right corner of the gadget.

Enjoy, and let me know if I should change something with it!

1 comment:

  1. I love this gadget, it is just what I have been looking for but I was wondering if you might be able to make a couple of changes for me if possible? Firstly, I am in the UK so could you change it to £? Secondly, my mileage pricing structure is not 'standard' so I was wondering if you could change it for this? I charge nothing for 0-20 miles, £0.40 for 20-50 miles and over 50 miles is by arrangement only. If you could make it work for this pricing structure I would be very grateful. Many thanks :-)
